Heiko Michael Hartmann // Triumph eines Hosenverkäufers

The poem conveys the precarious situation of a customer who is forced by an aggressive salesperson to buy a pair of trousers. He feels as if he were the opponent in a boxing match and his only aim is to escape.

Inkjet print on clear polythene foil.
Cover made of clear polycarbonate.
The pages are stitched on rubber cords that also bend the cover.
Inflatable plastic cushion with stamped title in red and colophon in black.
White fleece bag and white cotton gloves.
20 pages. 23.5 x 21 cm
First edition: 10 copies using Arabic numerals and 3 copies using Roman numerals
Second edition: 15 copies using Arabic numerals and 3 copies using Roman numerals
Tokyo, 2001 (first edition) and Tokyo, 2002 (second edition)